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science applied中文是什么意思

用"science applied"造句"science applied"怎么读"science applied" in a sentence


  • 应用科学


  • He holds a bachelor s degree in computer science applied mathematics and cognitive science from the university of rochester , and a master s degree in computer science from the university of vermont
  • The technology of magnetic - driving and totally - sealing devices with independent iprs are the multidisciplinary integrated technologies , and have been optimized through continuous summary and verification of the production technologies , design and techniques of a range of magnetic - driving pumps ; this makes the magnetic - driving totally - sealing pumps , magnetic - driving kettles and magnet valves which are developed and produced by institute of magnetic element , gansu academy of sciences applied on various special medium and transporting equipments in many industries including petroleum and chemical processing while getting the industrial application of the technology of magnetic - drive achieve substantial results
用"science applied"造句  
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